S P Technologies

S P Technologies

Hardmetal Specialist

S P Technologies Hardmetals is a manufacturer of standard cutting tools specializing in manufacturing high-quality, cost-effective carbide cutting tools .

Welcome To S P Technologies

S P Technologies is a well-respected company with over two decades of experience, specializing in the production of top-notch carbide cutting tools for manufacturers worldwide.
With our extensive knowledge, skilled team, state-of-the-art equipment, and innovative tool designs, we are devoted to enhancing your capabilities while also lowering your tooling expenses.

Our Applications




Heavy Engineering


Precision Engineering


Our Approch

Fast Forward Thinking

S P Technologies  is committed to offering high-quality hardmetal tools at reasonable pricing. Only micro and sub-micro grain tungsten carbides, utilised by reputable European suppliers to ensure high-quality tools, are used as raw materials. You can get the greatest tools with the best equipment, our custom tool geometry, modern coatings, and tight quality control.

Our Amazing Clients

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Sr. No. 215, Pawarwasti, Moshi-Alandi Road, Moshi, Pune, India - 412105

+91 7972991130

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